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Wolfenstein 3D Wiki

Atomprojekt is a mod for registered Wolfenstein, made by Barry Christian. It was released on January 21, 2017.


Following in the footsteps of Passage to Höllenteufel, Atomprojekt featured even more coding changes and extra added graphics, a fair share of which were brand new. It was initially announced via a series of screenshots in late August 2016. A demo was released on September 10, containing 5 levels. Some fixes were later made to some of the levels, with the latest demo release being September 29, 2016.


Atomprojekt features 37 levels, 3 of which are secret. Executor designed level 32. Coding changes include seamless level flow, changed ceiling colors, new music order, different menu, Read This!, four keys, ammo box, pickup items that harm the player (rotten food), switch-operated Tesla coils, extra added walls, sprites and enemies. A particularly menacing character is a guard brandishing a chaingun. Though some graphics had featured in earlier mods such as Project: Totengraeber, Project: Weltuntergang, Schabbs 2000, Spear Resurrection and Coffee Break, several graphics had not been seen before.

Some levels are notoriously challenging, featuring many enemies and an action-packed gameplay. As with all other Barry Christian mods, it is heavily rooted in classic Wolfenstein 3D, though featuring design and features becoming the SDL era. However, an old stalwart from the Armageddon days, the megaspider, is featured on some of the later levels. It replaces the Pac-Man ghost, leaving the player little choice but to run and hide.

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