Wolfenstein 3D Wiki

Dead World Rising is a mod for registered Wolfenstein, made by Great Wasabi. It was released on December 6, 2003.

Release history[]

The mod was made using The Final Solution v3.0's source code, and a 2-level was released on December 16, 2002. This version still has many sounds and graphics present from The Final Solution v3.0, including its title screen and Read This. BJ Blazkowicz is also present on the status bar. Only the maps and the VSWAP had been changed for the demo. Roger DuHamel (as Great Wasabi listed his name as being in the Read Me) credited WolfenDOOM and Evil in Iron: DOOM Graphics as the mods where the changed material was sourced.

The final version has an atmosphere much more reminiscent of DOOM, with a Space Marine as the protagonist. Though some of The Final Solution v3.0's atmosphere is still present, it is still very much a DOOM-inspired adventure which has very little common ground with Wolfenstein 3D. In October 2003, some screenshots were posted where the status bar from The Final Solution v3.0 was still present; however, upon December 2003 final release a new status bar was featured with a Space Marine protagonist. Many new graphics were also featured, some of which veered away from the DOOM atmosphere; secret areas show an anime-style texture and a written message in Japanese.

20 levels were made for the project. A follow-up was released the following year.


External links[]
