Wolfenstein 3D Wiki

E1M2 is the second map in Wolfenstein 3D, the second map in Shareware Wolfenstein 3D, and the second map in Episode 1: Escape from Castle Wolfenstein. This map introduces the SS, the Keys, and the Chaingun.

Following this map is E1M3.

Map Layout

RawMaps 0121 Frame 2

Check the map key if you're having trouble deciphering.

The map for E1M2 cranks the complexity up from the previous level, spanning the entire maximum map size and including the game's first key and locked door.

Don't forget to grab the game's first chaingun in the secret area in the blue wall vestibule between the grey stone and the wood areas. It is likely you'll need it given the introduction of the SS enemy type in this level.

Map Statistics

Object Type Number
Ammo Items 26
Shots from Pickups 204
Props 344
Directional Markers 52
Doors 47
Push-Walls 4
Enemies on Easy 40
Enemies on Medium 18
Enemies on Hard 24
Bosses 0
Total Enemies 82
Total Objects 483

Official Hintbook Description

From The Official Wolfenstein 3D Hint Book:

WL6MapPages 0058 Layer 2