Wolfenstein 3D Wiki
Wolfenstein 3D Wiki

Gotterdammerung is a mod for registered Wolfenstein, made by Raistlin. It was released on July 30, 2003.


The mod was announced on May 7, 2003. Using the name Gerry Westenberg, Raistlin posted a screenshot which featured textured floors and ceilings which was a brand new feature at the time. Only just recently, TexZK's Story had been the first actual released mod to feature this, though tests had been made as far back as late 2001.


The mod features a number of coding changes; in addition to the aforementioned textured floors and ceilings, the mod also features increased health and ammo, message screens and gun bobbing. In terms of graphics, many new textures and graphics are featured, many with a dark gray sheen.

8 levels were featured, quite small in size. In the wake of the mod's release, Raistlin would sometimes make a post on the DieHard Wolfers' forums about getting back and finishing the mod properly, but this never came to be.

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