Wolfenstein 3D Wiki

The official continuation of the Map of the Month event, Mapping League #1 represents the eleventh iteration of this contest. Coordinated one again by AlumiuN, it attracted 11 maps from eight various mappers. This time the event featured a clear winner in Ronwolf1705, who defeated the likes of Arielus (2nd place), Nexion (2nd and 3rd), AlumiuN (3rd) or Atina (once again 3rd). Thus far this was the final instance of the MMC/Mapping League contest. Blame Atina.


The coordinator's task, other than preparing the editing package, was to accept submissions from mappers and post a thread with an appropriate poll. Only one submission per person was allowed until February 2008, when multiple map submissions per author were made possible. Once posted, every member of the community was allowed to cast their vote for three of their favorite maps. After a certain amount of time, the mappers' names were revealed, then the poll results published and everyone celebrated, rejoiced and engaged in insightful discussion.


Place Map name Map author Number of votes
1 The Onion Ronwolf1705 5
2 Cave Creep Nexion 3
2 Way Off Key Arielus 3
3 Eight Zeroes AlumiuN 2
3 Fog of War Nexion 2
3 Layers of Hell Atina 2
4 Nasty Little Traps Tricob 1
4 Saving the Day Arielus 1
4 Seasons' Action Officer-Michael John 1
5 Attack on Schnitzelhaus Sigma64 0
5 Labs and Pipes Officer-Michael John 0

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