Wolfenstein 3D Wiki

Schabbs 9000 is a mod for registered Wolfenstein, made by Kyle Fisher. It was released on January 19, 2003.


The mod had originally been announced on December 13, 2002 along with a handful of screenshots.


The mod features only 5 levels, the last three of which were made by Brian Lowe. Coding changes include different colored menu, Read This! and copyright message. Graphics were taken from DOOM.


Its December 20th, 9000 and you are an agent in the WWD, World Wide Defense. A mad man that goes by Dr.Schabbs is A threat to the human race. He says he is nearing completion of his new chemical that will turn any one or thing that breaths this in into his undead slaves!!! So you must go to Dr.Schabbs Lair, find him and kill him! Good Luck!


Though they almost share the same name, the mod has little to do with Schabbs 2000, taking place in an atmosphere fully influenced by DOOM. Fisher had already taken a likewise approach with Assassinate Hitler 2 Demo, which likewise has nothing at all to do with Assassinate Hitler.

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