Sod Reborn is a mod for Spear of Destiny, made by The Man Who Knows. It was released on April 19, 2003.
The set replaces the Spear of Destiny VSWAP file with a handful of new graphics, and other graphics borrowed from Spear Resurrection, Totengraeber and Castle Totenkopf. Some graphics came from DOOM (the ghost replacement is now an imp) and Project: Weltuntergang (two bosses). No new maps were made for the project.
While a proper credits list was not attached, but a new storyline was included:
london..shit 2 months and im still only in london.... i could feel them geting stronger every minute i lye in this hotel room i was getting weaker... and evey second kraut squated in his fox hole he was getting stronger.Every body gets what they whant i wanted a mission and for my sins they gave me one and after it id never want another one. It was a real choice mission not your usual blow up the bridge or kill the genral.. the c.o explained it to me in serios detail. nuremburg..i was to head deep behind enemy lines and infiltrate castle nuremburg the most heavily gaurded location next to berlin itself i was to locate some kind of weapon a spear...what the fuck did they want a spear for...hell id have plenty of time to think about it on the train.
i was under cover and on a train heading for germany i puled a docment from the dossier it was a more detalied mission brefieng
captin blascowitz
first we must persist that while this mission is taking place and after it has been completed you must discus it with no one and may we remind you captin that this mission does not exist nor will it ever exist. the objective of your mission is simple infiltrate castle nuremburg and steal the religious artifact on the top floor and escape the castle..the method on the other hand wich is entirely up to you is a whole new ball game the castle is heavily gaurded on all floors and traps to maim and kill intruders are every where so it is inperitive that you are as careful as humanly and maybe inhumanly posible remember captin your not the first agent weve sent to that fortress. The rest of the document explained troop layouts guard paterns around the castle but nohing about the insides of the fortess.. like the gate was a black hole to another dimension wence no one could return . it also told me that i would be meeting an other agent aboard the train.. shit they could have told me this before i got on this thing.
Before i could read any more i felt a tap on my shoulder i amidietly turned around expecting to see a gestapo officer but was pleasently suprised to see my contact "captin blascowtz" he whisperd i noded my head and he pased me a breif case . I looked up at him and before leaving for the back of the train he said"i sure am glad to see you captin now i can get out of this evil place if i can find a way" and with that he was gone.
I opened the breif case there was a luger pistol some winter survival gear and another document breaking the seal and opening the document i began to read
captin blascowitz
there has been a further development in your mission as you know your not the first person to atempt this mission about two days ago we recieved this mesage from colnel dilian kurtz "i saw it i saw ... it i totched the spear..and ..and when i totched it i relised they where stronger than us with it we cant stop them ...when i saw it when i touched it killed me no no i thought it kiled me i was not strong anouth to weld it to even hold it in my hand he..he was strong anouth to weld it and when he unlocks its power we wont be able to stop them darknes will spread across the earth and victory will be theres...a dager.. a dager stuck in the earth ....and blood spiling from the cut and consuming everthing...that is my dream.. its my nightmare. That was the last we heard from colnel kurtz we tried to recal him but he seems to have gone beyond our reach efectivly kurtz is no longer taking orders from us but is comanding troops...german troops in the feild with no regards for human life or moral uphold. efectivly captin you are to terminate kurts comand terminate with exteme prediduce.
kurts hmmm id heard of this guy reading his records i found it hard to match up that face to those words. the more i read about kurts the more i began to admire him two silver stars a medal of honor came top of his class in all areas of soldering specialy requested to join the special forces was let down three times until he threatened to resine he was 34 for fuck sake two months later the oss recruited him he was specialy assined to this mission perfectly qualified more qualified than me thats for damm sure after he entered the castle that was it the last transmission came a month later what had kurts seen in that castle what was it that pushed him over the edge.
the contact was right something dark and evil cast its shadow over this land i could feel it.
36hours later
I had spent the past day and a halve sneaking through that dark alpine forest moving slowly but stealthly up hill the dark spectre of nuremburg loomed over the night.. the moon diapering behind it trucks and soldiers constantly pasing in and out of the front gate. they had carefuly guarded every entrance exept one a broken open tunel leading into the catacombs underneath the castle. i jumped into the moat and and quickly located the gap in the tunel grate i sliped into the darkess and faded to black. this is where it realy began.
External links[]
- Download Sod Reborn at The Wolfenstein 3D Dome
- Download Sod Reborn at The Wolfenstein 3D Vault
- Download at MediaFire
- News at the Dome: MAR/APR 2003