Wolfenstein 3D Wiki

SplitScreen for up to 4 players (currently optimized for 2) in cooperative mode on a single PC. (SDL) Support for both vertical and horizontal splitscreen and many special cooperative game modes that add endless replay value and tactics to classic maps. Minimap/radar support. Support of Wolfenstein3D and Spear of Destiny (none of the original files included in the pack)

In July 2021 DeathMatch edition of SplitWolf was released for PC, not yet ported to Retropie.



Basic new features[]

  • SplitScreen in coop mode
  • Textured automap for both players
  • Enemy number is doubled in coop mode to keep the challenge
  • Selection of vertical or horizontal SplitScreen
  • Ability for change player skin color in-game
  • New animations for player and enemy deaths including gibbing and fleshwound
  • 8-dir frames for all enemies and Bosses
  • Player respawn on level start
  • Dead player leaving a backpack of his stuff behind for other player to pick up
  • Auto-doubled number of enemies to keep things interesting
  • New coop game modes
  • New end level frames
  • New cool player death camera effect
  • Pain frames for players

New game modes[]

Classic (standard coop)[]

2 player coop


Both players have only 1% health. Death of both players leads to full level restart. Keep each other safe! Classic Instagib.

Carry the Flag (CTF)[]

You need to carry the flag to level exit before time runs out. Killed flag carrier drops the flag, and the other player has 10 seconds to repick it before the flag returns to the base. Flag can be intentionally dropped for the other player with "use" key. Flag carrier has only "flag-poke" melee attack and you need to be protected by your pal.


You have limited time (displayed in top left corner) to find a bomb randomly spawned in the level and defuse it with "use" key


All enemies drop their hearts upon death, collect them to refill depleating (coop shared) "blood" bar displayed on the top left corner that keeps both of you alive. Search for more prey to keep yourself alive while looking for level exit.

Some "themed" bloody scenery variants can give you additional blood using "use" key and some other scenery - by normal picking (walk over).


(Mode from Quake 3 Team Arena) After each kill you have limited time to harvest the killed soul from a pillar nearby (additional kills reset the timer). Level restart if you fail.

BS Mutant[]

All enemies are replaced by mutant BJs with randomized weapons


Rage bar, melee attack only. Rage bar adds you resistance to enemy damage and gibbing power, and is increased by kills and collecting red "rage demon" heads.


Enemies respawn after some time and when out of view. After being respawned - they have larger health but only melee attacks. Can become hordes very fast.

Zombie Harvester[]

Harvester - only in "zombie" mode. If you fail to harvest enemy soul, enemy will resurrect as zombie with twice as health as before. Shorter harvest time to make it more interesting.

New interactive features[]

  • 2-player tank - one player drives the tank (including running over enemies), the other one controls the turret. One player can only control stationary tank's turret.
  • MG42 mounting my player

External links[]
