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Wolfenstein 3D Wiki

Spongebobstein (sometimes stylized as SpongeBobStein) is a mod for Spear of Destiny, made by Ian Summerfield. It was released on April 3, 2004.


Initially released as a demo on August 16, 2003 a full version was finished in November 2003 but Summerfield would not release it due to not having permission to do so from the creators of the TV show. He would gladly send it to those who sent him an e-mail requesting it, though. Nevertheless, it eventually was released as a full 21-level set on the Dome on April 3, 2004.


The set features 21 levels and many new hand-drawn graphics, and features characters and traits from the TV show Spongebob Squarepants. Humorous and silly in its outlook, as it is based on cartoon show, the many new sounds consist of actual dialog from various episodes of the show, seemingly recorded straight off the TV or a DVD.


Summerfield announced a remake in October 2012, and posted a few graphics in the process. Nothing was heard of the project since initial announcement, however.

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