Wolfenstein 3D Wiki
Wolfenstein 3D Wiki

The Devil's Attack is a map set for registered Wolfenstein, made by Matthew Barich. It was released on March 11, 2003 as a 4-level demo.


The set was advertised as being trickery-based, and used the Wolfenstein engine and its bugs to its advantage, making for an experimental and quite difficult gameplay. This is only evidenced if playing the v1.4 DOS version, however. Any sourceport will not be able to reproduce the bugs.

A 4-level demo was eventually released on Matthew's own site in March 2003, and was never submitted to the Wolfenstein 3D Dome. The bugs the mod takes advantage of includes the following:

  • Blocks that disappear when pushed
  • Red-hot walls (and doors)
  • Force fields
  • Places where the game goes totally berserk (vertical lines appear all over the screen, walls appear all over the north side of the level, etc.)
  • Exploring outside the level
  • Suits of armor that attack you
  • Places where the music temporarily pauses
  • Blocks moving by themselves
  • Places where you move uncontrollably
  • Places where your gun fires uncontrollably
  • Places where you temporarily lose your guns and are reduced to a knife
  • Vertical lines on your screen
  • Places where the ceiling changes color (and pattern)
  • Pac-Man ghosts that aren't triggered until YOU SEE THEM
  • Walls that appear as garbled textures AND change appearance as you do various things on a level
  • And countless other things

Other versions[]

In November 2006, Barich released a different version with an updated set of maps. Once again, this only works if played with the v1.4 DOS version of registered Wolfenstein 3D.

External links[]
