Wolfenstein 3D Wiki

This mod should not be confused with the similarly titled The Final Assault, made by Games from the God.

The Final Assault is a mod for registered Wolfenstein, made by Executor. It was released on September 1, 2003.


Though it was labeled the fourth installment in the Megastein series, chapters two and three were never made. These were only alluded to in an October 2002 update on The Road to Despair.


The mod was initially released as a beta featuring 8 levels. As with The Road to Despair, it was based on Totengraeber though new sprites, sounds and music appears. Coding changes include a new palette; in this mod, guards have been replaced by those from Operation: Heimzahlung, which benefited from the different palette.

Other graphics were taken from mods by Laz Rojas and Ben Blaufarb. An extensive credits list followed the download.


Some of the new music added often speeds up and slows down and often loops in odd places, most likely because the size of the IMF files were at their absolute maximum.


Though Totengraeber was ported to SDL in 2010, The Final Assault features a number of coding changes, most importantly the change of palette, that causes odd playback in SDL. It is not recommended to use the SDL port for playing The Final Assault.

Later versions[]

In April 2006, back after an absence and riding on the wind of the recently released Episode One Revisited and the then-nascent Spear Revisited, Executor posted an updated version. However, this was only posted on the DHW forums and no mention of it was made on the Dome news - furthermore, it was most likely meant as an April Fool's joke, similar to Spear Resurrection: Special Edition the previous year. It appears that no new material was featured other than a gag-ridden opening level and a changed exit screen.

External links[]
