The Final Solution v3.0 is a mod for registered Wolfenstein, made by Parafriction. It was released on August 19, 2001.
The mod was an updated versions of sorts of version 2.0 which had originally come out in December 2000. Version 3.0 added landmines, armor, ambient sounds and a breakable object (steel cage) - a relatively new feature in Wolfenstein 3D modding at the time. Furthermore, many enemies and standard sprites were replaced or retouched editions of those from version 2.0. A number of new textures unique to the mod were also added.
Some maps were greatly edited, containing new sections or redone altogether. Level 4 was brand new, not having appeared in version 2.0. Some music has also been added from TNT Evilution and Blake Stone.
Release history[]
The set was announced on April 26, 2001. A series of pics were posted on the Dome, some of which contain graphics that did not make it into the released version. When released in August 2001, Version 3.0 was labeled as a beta in the description and as a demo on the title screen. An actual, final full version has thus never been released. The code contains a continuing music order and different ceiling colors past level 20, indicating the mod might have been planned to be expanded to contain further levels at one point.
Source code[]
The source code was released on June 23, 2002. Not long after, mods started to appear using the source, including ToMeanToDie's Kristallnacht and Great Wasabi's Dead World Rising.
The original set is only available in DOS, never having been ported to SDL, though attempts were made as early as 2010. Under Parafriction's own supervision, numerous other ports or reboots of the mod have been undertaken, with the most recent releases being Final TFS and The Final Solution v4.0.
External links[]
- Download The Final Solution v3.0 at The Wolfenstein 3D Dome
- Download The Final Solution v3.0 at The Wolfenstein 3D Vault
- Download at MediaFire
- Download the source code at The Wolfenstein 3D Dome
- Poll at DieHard Wolfers
- Poll at Haven
- News at the Dome: MAY/JUN 2002 MAR/APR 2001 JUL/SEPT 2001
- YouTube videos: uhZeeamigo