Wolfenstein 3D Wiki

The Tracey Simpsons Show is a Wolfenstein 3D mod based on the famous cartoon show, namely The Simpsons. Created by Officer-Michael John, it was perhaps his most significant release, pretty much a new game in its own right. Contains storyline, but we shall never know what it is.

Version history[]

The full version was released on June 8th, 2019, preceded by two betas, one in March 2019 and another mid-2018. These betas contained 10 and 16 maps respectively, and otherwise demonstrate steady development progression.


----- Story in hungarian -----

Bart rajott,hogy lehetne egy jo kis fiu es nem csak rossz ezert elhatarozta minden egyeskora a csinyek abbahagyasat. Lisa megtudta ezt a hirt es rogton sietve odament hozza. Ezt kerdezve:

- Bart,miert nem csinalsz tobbe csinyeket?

- A,hucigam. Rajottem az egeszre,hogy nem kell mindig rossz fiunak lenne. Bocsika.

- Ha ez van akkor en leszek a gonosz Lisa vagyis Lisa gyilkos!

Amint kitalalta Lisa azutan neki latott az o gonoszsagahoz. Homer nem tudta,hogy mit tervez a csaladja ellene. Egy idovel kesobb latja a szereteit fegyverekkel meg a klonjat. Akkor gondolta megint Bart muve. De,a lanya elmondta:,,Ez az en muvem". Nem orult neki Homer ezert eldontotte az akciojat. Ellatja a gonosz csaladjanak meg a klonjanak a bajat.

----- Story in english (translated by: Wolf3DGuy) -----

Bart realized, he should be a good boy and not only bad so he decided he stop doing the things once for all. Lisa get to know this and went to him real fast. Asking this:

- Bart, why aren't you do the things anymore?

- The, my sister. I realized it all, that I don't have to be a bad boy all the time. Sorry.

- If that's it then I'll be the evil Lisa so Lisa the killer!

As Lisa invented then she started to her wickedness. Homer didn't know, that what his family is planning against him. After a time he sees his beloved ones and his clone with weapons. Then he thought, it's Bart behind all this again. But, her daughter told him:,,I did all this". Homer wasn't so happy about it so he decided his action. He'll kick his evil family and his clone's asses.


----- Credits in hungarian -----

  • - Matt Groening:A Simpson csalad otlet
  • - Klasky Csupo es FOX:Animacio,hang effektek,zenek
  • - Szinkronszineszek:Szinkron
  • - Wolf 3D modderek:Kod utmutatok,segitsegek a kodok javitasaban
  • - ID szoftver:Wolf 3D motor,forraskod
  • - Konami:Nehany zene,csuzli hang

----- Credits in english (translated by: Wolf3DGuy) -----

  • - Matt Groening: The Simpsons family idea
  • - Klasky Csupo and FOX:Animation,sound effects,music tracks
  • - Voice actors:Dub
  • - Wolf 3D modders:Code tutorials, help with code fixings
  • - ID software:Wolf 3D engine,source code
  • - Konami:Some music tracks,sling-shot sound

External links[]
