Wolfenstein 3D Wiki
Wolfenstein 3D Wiki

The Wolf3D Haven is a message board for Wolfenstein 3D and Spear of Destiny, started by Eric Lin in 2007. In the beginning, the forum activity was based mainly around the core of Lin and some other members that were not necessarily members of the DieHard Wolfers' message board.

In relatively short time, more members joined from that particular forum, and the Haven came to be a looser, less restrictive type of forum, which also boasted a significant Spam section for gags and a separate DOOM modding forum. Furthermore, it also hosted a chatbox.

As with the DieHard Wolfers message board, Haven also featured its own community sets, most notably the Super Haven Mapset in 2010. In 2016, Matt Stath took over the reigns of the board which already saw a heavy decline in forum activity, similar to that of the DieHard Wolfers.


Forum banner

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