Wolfenstein 3D Wiki
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Revision as of 00:58, 31 July 2021

Wolfenstein 3D: The Old Testament is a mod for shareware Wolfenstein, made by Thomas Weiling. It was released on April 27, 2021.

The mod is more or less a map set; the only major change is the infamous Aardwolf sign (otherwise unused) being replaced with a cage sprite from Spear of Destiny. Other modifications include changed music and a new title screen.


The mod came to life after Thomas had experimented with shareware Wolfenstein v1.0 only to find that the many bugs that riddled the EXE made it tough to modify and make maps for. The switch was made to shareware Wolfenstein v1.1, then v1.2, with ten maps being made over the course of ten days.

Maps were made using MapEdit 7.2, Thomas' first time doing so. Back in 2004, he had started with MapEdit 4.2 but quickly made the switch to MapEdit 8.4 on Kyle's suggestion, and it became his editor of choice ever since.

Previous attempts

In October 2005, Thomas wanted to make a shareware set, and for this purpose, MapEdit 7.2 was indeed put to use. However, not able to handle the change, Thomas quickly switched back to MapEdit 8.4 and the map eventually became part of Nazi Operation (as level 8), leading to the shareware set's cancellation. For many years, Thomas viewed the shareware version with disdain, deeming that it lacked enough material to entice interesting mapping or interest from probable players.

After a while, Thomas reevaluated the shareware version, and eventually managed to put out a set; 2012's Grossed Out, which later became part of Victory of Faith. This was a convoluted release, as Thomas had quickly tired of the shareware version's limitations, and only 4 levels were made rather than the envisioned 10.


Wolfenstein 3D: The Old Testament is a DOS mod, Thomas' first mod using DOS since 2009's Endlösung. Though 2011's 10 New Ones had a DOS release, this was only by request from Andy (a native Windows 98 user); the mod had been conceived in SDL and visioned as being an SDL mod. Also, while some of Thomas' later mods are playable in DOS (mainly map sets) they were all tested in SDL and made using MapEdit 8.4. Wolfenstein 3D: The Old Testament was play tested in DOSBox (as Thomas runs Windows 10, and as such has no native DOS system available).

On July 28, 2021, the mod was released in SDL.

MapEdit 8.4 was used only to implement floor codes; the bulk of the mapping was made using MapEdit 7.2, making it the first time in more than 16 years that Thomas used a different map editor.


MapEdit 7.2 was also Brian Lowe's editor of choice, and Thomas was heavily influenced by him for this mod. Other sources of inspiration came from Thomas having recently played Nate Smith's Beyond Wolfenstein in DOSBox, Martin Krysiak's The Last Mission and AReyeP's First Add-on.

External links