Wolfenstein 3D Wiki

Welcome to the Wolfenstein 3D Wiki

Walls of text welcome.

What is this about?

Feel free to contribute content about Wolf3D, other games built and released on the same engine, or about the community, your favourite modders and their creations. Then get mad at people editing your precious article. Meanhwile, here's a few pointers to help get you started.

  1. While currently heavily focused on mods and modders, this wiki is meant to encompass all sorts of topics related to Wolfenstein 3D and derivative games. If you want to talk about your favourite Wolf website, the history of DieHard Wolfers, a shareware 1.0-specific bug or an obscure Blake Stone mapset - go ahead, make a page and get typin'.
  2. We allow informal language, humor, and even outright memes. This has apparently caused some controversy. No, I don't know why either. You are entirely free to: 1) not use memes if you don't want to; 2) not read pages you don't like (there's a thousand more to browse anyway); 3) discuss the use or overuse of memes in particular pages in the comment section; 4) edit crucial information in yourself if you feel a page is missing it. It's a wiki, you know.
  3. Everyone who has ever worked on a mod is encouraged to visit that mod's page and post an author's editorial, reminiscing about the development and stating their retrospective opinions. And if you know how to create a tab (I don't), feel free to come up with an YMMV (Your Mileage May Vary) tab that can contain statements and opinions that appear to be common in the community, but still too opinionated to fit the main article.

What am I supposed to do?

We're growing. The following categories and lists already have plenty of content, but the work never ends. Get going:

Category: Mods

Category: Modders

Category: Objects

Category: Websites

Category: Awarded mods

Category: Mod Lists

Most Wanted: Mod Authors

Most Wanted Mods

Most Wanted People

Latest activity

Screen 5
Ravenous2 by william john holly-d7tu1sh
Jpb modhistery
GatesofHell Title